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Free "How to Meditate" Video

Learn how to meditate!  This FREE video will help you with focus and how to manage distractions.  As a BONUS, a guided meditation on how to ground as well as a special discount for any store item inside!

Intuition Development - Level 1

Learn how to meditate and connect to your Spiritual Self!  This course is self-paced with optional, weekly class meetings for guided practice and Q & A.  Topics: grounding, decoding symbols in meditation, Spiritual Path, healing trauma, Chakra system, Karma & past lives, & much more!

Intuition Development - Level 2

The next step in Intuition Development.  This is another self-paced course.  There are optional, weekly opportunities for guided practice and Q & A.  Topics: Connecting to Spiritual Path, Family/Genetic cleansing, Sacred Contracts, Akashic Records, Tools for Ascension, Creating Success, & much more! 

Gemstone Healing

Gemstones have healing properties because of the minerals/elements, sacred geometry, and color.  Learn about the physical, mental/emotional, & Spiritual healing potential of over Science is just now beginning to understand what the ancients have know for centuries.  This self-paced course is available immediately upon purchase!

Golden Castle Meditation

Dolores Seymour, PhD

Some of the greatest minds in the field of Metaphysics & Holistic Psychology have assembled one of the most profound meditations

to enhance Spiritual Connection & Healing!  This guided meditation is available immediately upon purchase!  

Meditation Packs

Learn 7 different meditations that focus on several areas of the self. 

Upon purchase, immediate access and ownership to practice and perfect!

Intuition Development Level 1

The perfect starting point to learn specific steps to increase your Intuition through guided meditations and explanations.

Self-Guided with optional, weekly classes.

How to Meditate

Check out these meditation tips and a bonus, guided meditation!


discount code inside!

Intuition Development Level 2

Dive deeper into self-discovery while increase your awareness and innate intuition.  Self-Guided with optional, weekly classes.

Golden Castle


The best minds in metaphysics have

created this breakthrough meditation no matter

what skill level!



Learn 7 different meditations.   After purchasing, they are yours forever to practice and put your own

personal touch!

Intuition Development Level 2

Dive deeper into self-discovery while increase your awareness and innate intuition.  Self-Guided with optional, weekly classes.

Golden Castle


The best minds in metaphysics have

created this breakthrough meditation no matter

what skill level!

How to Meditate

Check out these meditation tips and a bonus, guided meditation!


discount code inside!

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